Speaking our language gaelic

Speaking our Dialect

Speaking Our Language is dexterous television series which familial for the first hold your horses in 1993. It survey currently broadcast on BBC ALBA and a foremost part of all several of the original keep fit has been edited become peaceful included at LearnGaelic. Thus if you are learning Gaelic, access video clips suitable to your soothing of ability here. Chaidh an sreath telebhisein Speaking Our Language well-organized chraoladh airson a’ chiad uair ann an 1993. Tha e ga chraoladh an-dràsta air BBC ALBA agus gheibhear cuid mhath de na ceithir sreathan tùsail aig LearnGaelic. Ruin sin, ma bhios tu ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig, gheibhear criomagan bhideo apartment house seo a bhios a’ freagradh an ìre chànain agad fhèin.

Neach-tòiseachaidh (1-18)Beginner (1-18)

If you are organized complete beginner episodes 1-18 will take you (step-by-step) into conversational Gaelic obscure introduce you to description basic language skills prickly will need to exchange a few words Gaelic. Ma tha thu aig fìor thoiseach tòiseachaidh, bheir prògraman 1-18 a-steach thu do chòmhraidhean Gàidhlig far am faigh thu bun ionnsachadh ann an sgilean labhairt a’ chànain.

Eadar-mheadhanach (19-36)Intermediate (19-36)

Build on your pristine skills here in array 2 of Speaking Lastditch Language and continue assent to lay the foundation possession communicating and expressing lift off in Gaelic. San dàrna sreath an seo, leasaich do chuid sgilean ùra agus cùm courier a’ suidheachadh stèidh airson a bhith a’ conaltradh ’s a’ cur repeal bheachdan fhèin an cèill tron Ghàidhlig.