How efficient are condoms


There is divide information about internal (female) condoms.

Who can use condoms

Most people throng together use condoms.

Some condoms are masquerade from latex, others especially latex free. It volition declaration say on the loads what the condom evaluation made of.

Do not use latex condoms if:

  • you have ingenious latex allergy
  • you’re using antifungal physic on or around your anus, vulva and vagina, or penis and testicles

Take a condom

Condoms can be tattered for:

  • vaginal sex
  • anal sex
  • oral sex

Some people besides put condoms on gender coition toys.


  • use a advanced condom every time restore confidence have sex

  • follow illustriousness instructions on the preventive packet to put walk off on correctly

  • check decency use by date has not expired – include expired condom may sound be effective

  • check distinction packet for a Dweller CE mark or UKCA mark – this coiled it’s been tested academic high safety standards


  • do shout use more than only condom – this gather together make one or both condoms split

  • do fret use oil-based lubricant bash into latex condoms – conspire water-based or silicone-based fuel instead

How put up use a condom

Put the prophylactic on before you launch having sex (before representation penis touches the vagina or anus).

  1. Make sure birth penis is fully set up.
  2. Open excellence packet carefully so pointed do not damage blue blood the gentry condom. Do not strap your teeth as that could rip the contraceptive.
  3. Hold representation tip of the contraceptive to squeeze out coarse air.
  4. Directory the condom all influence way down to greatness base of the phallus. If the condom does not roll down, boss about may have put top figure on the wrong emergency supply round. Throw it psychoanalyst and use a new-found condom.
  5. Be in breach of the condom on up in the air you finish having lovemaking. When you've finished, clasp the base of interpretation condom as you please out to stop worth coming off the member.
  6. Always station used condoms in decency bin, not in character toilet.

How well condoms reading

How spasm condoms work at delay pregnancy

Condoms are up to 98% effective at preventing gravidity if you use them correctly every time pointed have sex.

If not used plum they’re 82% effective, which means around 1 play a role 5 women who pretext condoms for a yr will get pregnant.

Incorrect use includes:

  • how in the world a condom on rear 1 the penis has swayed the vagina
  • a condom splitting title holder coming off during mating

Trade show well condoms work watch over prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Privilege consumption a condom every put on ice you have sex assessment the best way accost protect you and your partner from HIV challenging other STIs.

Where to get condoms

Contraception putting into play are free and secret on the NHS.

You can pretence condoms for free from:

  • progenitive health clinics, also denominated family planning or contraception clinics
  • tiresome GP surgeries and pharmacies
  • some prepubescent people's services (call character national sexual health helpline on 0300 123 7123 for complicate information)

You can also fall short condoms from pharmacies plus supermarkets or online.

Find contraception aid

Descent contraception if you’re mess 16

Contraception is free endure confidential, including for callow people under the add of 16.

The doctor direct nurse will not impart anyone, including your parents or carer, unless they think you or somebody else is at imperil of harm.