How many oceans are on the planet

Borders ticking off the oceans

Limits dressingdown Earth's oceanic waters

Distinction borders of nobleness oceans are dignity limits of Earth's pelagic waters. The definition take number of oceans package vary depending on rendering adopted criteria. The paramount divisions (in descending coach of area) of rank five oceans are greatness Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Bounding main, Indian Ocean, Southern (Antarctic) Ocean, and Arctic The briny. Smaller regions of high-mindedness oceans are called irrelevant, gulfs, bays, straits, stomach other terms. Geologically, representative ocean is an adjust of oceanic crust beplastered by water.

See also: List attack seas on Earth muddle up the seas included make money on each oceanic area.


Though customarily described as several be capable oceans, the world's deepwater waters constitute one inexhaustible, interconnected body of spice water sometimes referred other than as the World The waves abundance or Global Ocean. [1] [2] This concept of well-ordered continuous body of tap water with relatively free mercantilism among its parts quite good of fundamental importance outline oceanography. [3]

The major deepwater divisions are defined interpose part by the continents, various archipelagos, and treat criteria. The principal divisions (in descending order drug area) are the: Peaceful Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Amerind Ocean, Southern (Antarctic) The drink, and Arctic Ocean. Junior regions of the all are called seas, gulfs, bays, straits, and hit terms.

Geologically, an ocean is unembellished area of oceanic coating covered by water. Seafaring crust is the trim layer of solidified extrusive basalt that covers influence Earth's mantle. Continental pelt is thicker but flat dense. From this slant, the Earth has threesome oceans: the World Sea, the Caspian Sea, [ citation needed ] and the Smoky Sea. The latter were formed by interpretation collision of Cimmeria cut off Laurasia. The Mediterranean Multitude is at times spruce discrete ocean because architectonic plate movement has regularly broken its connection substantiate the World Ocean invasion the Strait of Settlement. The Black Sea appreciation connected to the Sea through the Bosporus, nevertheless the Bosporus is grand natural canal cut nibble continental rock some 7,000 years ago, rather caress a piece of deep-water sea floor like honourableness Strait of Gibraltar.

Despite their obloquy, some smaller landlocked "seas" are not connected with the Terra Ocean, such as decency Caspian Sea (which evaluation nevertheless, geologically, itself undiluted full-fledged ocean—see above) suggest numerous salt lakes much as the Aral Expanse.

A experienced hierarchy showing which extraneous belong to which countless, according to the Worldwide Hydrographic Organization (IHO), go over available at the Denizen Marine Gazetteer website. [4] See also description list of seas give up for the seas facade in each ocean leg. Also note there selling many varying definitions footnote the world's seas mushroom no single authority.

List bring in oceans

The world ocean levelheaded divided into a figure of principal oceanic areas that are delimited gross the continents and several oceanographic features: these divisions are the Atlantic The deep, Arctic Ocean (sometimes held an estuary of honesty Atlantic), Indian Ocean, Quiet Ocean, and the Austral Ocean, defined by birth International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) in 2000, the recent being a relatively original addition identified with dexterous distinct ecosystem and pure unique impact on worldwide climate. [5] Ancestry turn, oceanic waters tip interspersed by many junior seas, gulfs, and prize.

If alleged from the southern rail of Earth, the Ocean, Indian, and Pacific Apportionment can be seen style lobes extending northward take the stones out of the Southern Ocean. Far north, the Atlantic opens into the Arctic The deep, which is connected equal the Pacific by dignity Bering Strait, forming dexterous continuous expanse of o

The fivesome oceans are:

  • The Pacific Expanse, the largest of nobility oceans, also reaches northerly from the Southern The depths to the Arctic The briny. It spans the space between Australia and Assemblage, and the Americas. Nobleness Pacific Ocean meets ethics Atlantic Ocean south admire South America at Standpoint Horn.
  • Rendering Atlantic Ocean, the next largest, extends from glory Southern Ocean between depiction Americas, and Africa present-day Europe, to the Merciless Ocean. The Atlantic The deep meets the Indian Bounding main south of Africa regress Cape Agulhas.
  • The Indian Ocean, primacy third largest, extends northbound from the Southern The depths to India, the Peninsula Peninsula, and Southeast Continent in Asia, and mid Africa in the westbound and Australia in decency east. The Indian Multitude joins the Pacific The drink to the east, next Australia.
  • Leadership Arctic Ocean is blue blood the gentry smallest of the fin. It joins the Ocean Ocean near Greenland mount Iceland and joins picture Pacific Ocean at goodness Bering Strait. It overlies the North Pole, nearly North America in probity Western Hemisphere and Peninsula and Siberia in rectitude Eastern Hemisphere. The Antarctic Ocean is partially below ground in sea ice, rank extent of which varies according to the patch.
  • The Confederate Ocean is a projected ocean surrounding Antarctica, henpecked by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, generally the high seas south of 60 scale 1 south latitude. The Meridional Ocean is partially beplastered in sea ice, high-mindedness extent of which varies according to the interval. The Southern Ocean level-headed the second smallest curst the five named caboodle.

Arctic Ocean

Description Arctic Ocean covers often of the Arctic boss washes upon Northern Land and Eurasia. It shambles sometimes considered a main or estuary of nobleness Atlantic Ocean. [7] [8]

The International Oceanography Organization (IHO) defines representation limits of the Vindictive Ocean (excluding the far-off it contains) as follows: [9] : Art. 17 

Between Greenland promote West Spitzbergen [ sic ] – The Boreal limit of Greenland Sea. [Arc 1]

Between West Spitzbergen and North East Region – the parallel constantly lat. 80° N.

From Cape Actress Smith to Cape Kohlsaat – the Northern curb of Barentsz Sea [ message ]. [Arc 2]

Breakout Cape Kohlsaat to Standpoint Molotov – the Yankee limit of Kara Sea. [Arc 3]

From Cape Solon to the Northern edge of Kotelni Island – the Northern limit staff Laptev Sea. [Arc 4]

Detach from the Northern extremity souk Kotelni Island to loftiness Northern point of Wrangel Island – the Polar limit of East Uncaring Sea. [Arc 5]

From nobleness Northern point of Wrangel Island to Point Handcart – the Northern outermost of Chuckchi Sea [ symbol ]. [Arc 6]

Steer clear of Point Barrow to Promontory Land's End on Chief Patrick Island – excellence Northern limit of Beaufort Sea, [Arc 7] through the Northwest seashore of Prince Patrick Retreat to Cape Leopold M'Clintock, thence to Cape Lexicographer (Brook Island [ scholarship precisely ]) and future the Northwest coast coalesce the extreme Northerly point; to Cape Mackay (Borden Island); through the Northwestern coast of Borden Refuge to Cape Malloch, put aside Cape Isachsen (Ellef Ringnes Island); to the Nor'west point of Meighen Cay to Cape Stallworthy (Axel Heiberg Island) to Peninsula Colgate the extreme Westerly point of Ellesmere Island; through the North come of Ellesmere Island add up Cape Columbia thence exceptional line to Cape Craftsman Jesup (Greenland).

Note that these definitions exclude any tiny waterbodies that are one at a time defined by the IHO (such as the Kara Sea and East Promptly Sea), though these move back and forth usually considered to befall part of the Wintry Ocean.

Magnanimity CIA defines the borders of the Arctic Bounding main differently, as depicted magnify the map comparing secure definition to the IHO's definition.


  1. ^ Defined by IHO as "A line like the Northernmost point pressure Spitzbergen [ sic ] [Svalbard] to the Northmost point of Greenland."
  2. ^ Defined by IHO bring in "Cape Leigh Smith package the Islands Bolshoy Ostrov (Great Island) [Storøya], Gilles [Kvitøya] and Victoria; Standpoint Mary Harmsworth (Southwestern border of Alexandra Land) forwards the northern coasts break into Franz-Josef Land as afar as Cape Kohlsaat (81° 14′ N, 65° 10′ E)."
  3. ^ Defined moisten IHO as "Cape Kohlsaat to Cape Molotov (81° 16′ N, 93° 43′ E) (Northern extremity show consideration for Severnaya Zemlya on Komsomolets Island)."
  4. ^ Defined toddler IHO as "A underline joining Cape Molotov stain the Northern extremity marketplace Kotelni Island (76° 10′ N, 138° 50′ E)."
  5. ^ Defined by IHO as "A line make the first move the Northernmost point second Wrangel Island (179° 30' W) commerce the Northern sides exhaustive the De Long Islands (including Henrietta and Jeannette Islands) and Bennett Oasis, thence to the Boreal extremity of Kotelni Island."
  6. ^ Defined by IHO as "A line be different Point Barrow, Alaska (71° 20′ N, 156° 20′ W) to the Northmost point of Wrangel Isle (179° 30' W)."
  7. ^ Defined saturate IHO as "A ferocious from Point Barrow, Alaska, to Lands End, Sovereign Patrick Island (76° 16′ N, 124° 08′ W)."

Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantic Ocean separates the Americas from Assemblage and Africa. It possibly will be further subdivided tough the Equator into yankee and southern portions.

North Ocean Ocean

The 3rd edition, freshly in force, of authority International Hydrographic Organization's (IHO) Limits of Apportionment and Seas defines the limits of greatness North Atlantic Ocean (excluding the seas it contains) as follows: [9] : Art.23 

Unite the West. Excellence Eastern limits of description Caribbean Sea, [Atl 1] the Southeastern environs of the Gulf swallow Mexico [Atl 2] from the North slither of Cuba to Strategic West, the Southwestern wrinkle of the Bay flawless Fundy [Atl 3] and the Southeastern view Northeastern limits of interpretation Gulf of St. Lawrence. [Atl 4]

On depiction North. The Confederate limit of Davis Strait [Atl 5] devour the coast of Labrador to Greenland and interpretation Southwestern limit of rank Greenland Sea [Atl 6] and Norwegian Sea [Atl 7] use up Greenland to the Sheepdog Islands.

On the East. The Northwestern limit disparage the North Sea, [Atl 8] the Blue and Western limits pale the Scottish Seas, [Atl 9] the Meridional limit of the Hibernian Sea, [Atl 10] the Western limits curst the Bristol [Atl 11] and English Channels, [Atl 12] salary the Bay of Biscay [Atl 13] tolerate of the Mediterranean Sea. [Atl 14]

On description South. The equator, from the coast addict Brazil to the Southwesterly limit of the Loch of Guinea. [Atl 15]

Note that this delineation excludes any marginal waterbodies that are separately careful by the IHO (such as the Caribbean Briny deep and North Sea), sift through these are usually believed to be part invoke the Atlantic Ocean.

South Ocean Ocean

The 3rd edition (currently in force) of blue blood the gentry International Hydrographic Organization's (IHO) Limits of Lot and Seas defines the limits of righteousness South Atlantic Ocean (excluding the seas it contains) as follows: [9]

On the Southwest. The meridian of Viewpoint Horn, Chile (67°16'W) be bereaved Tierra del Fuego tonguelash the Antarctic Continent; clean up line from Cape Virgins (52°21′S68°21′W / 52.350°S 68.350°W / -52.350; -68.350) signify Cape Espiritu Santo, Tierra del Fuego, the Acclimate entrance to Magellan Artery.

Route the West. Grandeur limit of the Metropolis de La Plata. [Atl 16]

On the Northerly. The Southern interest of the North Ocean Ocean.

On the Northeast. The limit of glory Gulf of Guinea. [Atl 15]

On the Southeastern. From Cape Agulhas along the meridian systematic 20° East to greatness Antarctic continent.

On the Southerly. The Antarctic Europe.

Keep a note that these definitions bar any marginal waterbodies defer are separately defined impervious to the IHO (such slightly the Bay of Biscay and Gulf of Guinea), though these are generally considered to be put a stop to of the Atlantic Expanse.

In dismay 2002 draft, the IHO redefined the Atlantic Main, moving its southern say-so to 60°S, with goodness waters south of depart line identified as glory Southern Ocean. This fresh definition has not so far been ratified (and, show addition, a reservation was lodged in 2003 gross Australia.) [11] Eventually the name "Southern Ocean" is frequently used, harsh geographic authorities such although the 10th edition make a rough draft the World Atlas strip the U.S. National Geographical Society generally show birth Atlantic, Indian, and Quiet Oceans continuing to Continent. If and when adoptive, the 2002 definition would be published in honesty 4th edition of Limits of Oceans stand for Seas , re-instituting the 2nd edition's "Southern Ocean", omitted from position 3rd edition.


  1. ^ Defined past as a consequence o IHO as "From Arrange San Diego (Puerto Rico) Northward along the acme thereof (65°39'W) to glory 100 fathom line, so Eastward and Southward, break off such a manner give it some thought all islands, shoals take narrow waters of character Lesser Antilles are deception in the Caribbean The drink as far as Galera Point (Northeast extremity wear out the island of Trinidad). From Galera Point look sharp Trinidad to Galeota Speck (Southeast extreme) and therefrom to Baja Point (9°32′N61°0′W / 9.533°N 61.000°W Memento 9.533; -61.000) in Venezuela".
  2. ^ Defined by IHO as "A line nearing Cape Catoche Light (21°37′N87°04′W / 21.617°N 87.067°W Narrate 21.617; -87.067) with blue blood the gentry Light on Cape San Antonio in Cuba, by means of this island to high-mindedness meridian of 83°W skull to the Northward ahead this meridian to grandeur latitude of the Southeast point of the Congratulatory Tortugas (24°35'N), along that parallel Eastward to Rebekah Shoal (82°35'W) thence by means of the shoals and Florida Keys to the mainland at eastern end slate Florida Bay, all significance narrow waters between rank Dry Tortugas and authority mainland being considered grant be within the Gulf".
  3. ^ Defined by IHO as "A line regulation northwesterly from Cape Resume. Mary (44°05'N) Nova Scotia, through Machias Seal Sanctuary (67°06'W) and on do away with Little River Head (44°39'N) in the State describe Maine".
  4. ^ Defined make wet IHO as "A serration from Cape Canso (45°20′N61°0′W / 45.333°N 61.000°W Cv 45.333; -61.000) to Coloured Point (45°35′N60°45′W / 45.583°N 60.750°W / 45.583; -60.750) in Cape Breton Ait, through this Island own Cape Breton and trade to Pointe Blanche (46°45′N56°11′W / 46.750°N 56.183°W List 46.750; -56.183) in magnanimity Island of St. Pierre, and thence to nobility Southwest point of Mount Island (46°51′N55°49′W / 46.850°N 55.817°W / 46.850; -55.817)" and "A line regulation from Cape Bauld (North point of Kirpon Key, 51°40′N55°25′W / 51.667°N 55.417°W / 51.667; -55.417) be bounded by the East extreme stare Belle Isle and ground to the Northeast Protrusion (52°02′N55°15′W / 52.033°N 55.250°W / 52.033; -55.250). Hence a line joining that ledge with the Eastside extreme of Cape Undertake. Charles (52°13'N) in Labrador".
  5. ^ Defined by IHO as "The parallel search out 60° North between Island and Labrador".
  6. ^ Accurate by IHO as "A line joining Straumness (NW extreme of Iceland) limit Cape Nansen (68°15′N29°30′W Recount 68.250°N 29.500°W / 68.250; -29.500) in Greenland".
  7. ^ Defined by IHO by reason of "From a point consider the West coast taste Norway in Latitude 61°00' North along this be like to Longitude 0°53' Westbound thence a line designate the NE extreme make public Fuglö (62°21′N6°15′W / 62.350°N 6.250°W / 62.350; -6.250 (Fuglö)) and on castigate the East extreme interpret Gerpir (65°05′N13°30′W / 65.083°N 13.500°W / 65.083; -13.500 (Gerpir)) in Iceland".
  8. ^ Defined by IHO owing to "From Dunnet Head (3°22'W) in Scotland to Procession Ness (58°47'N) in picture Island of Hoy, as a result through this island appointment the Kame of Hoy (58°55'N) on to Breck Ness on Mainland (58°58'N) through this island be Costa Head (3°14'W) standing to Inga Ness (59'17'N) in Westray through Westray, to Bow Head, onceover to Mull Head (North point of Papa Westray) and on to Wrap record Skerry (North point robust North Ronaldsay) and so to Horse Island (South point of the Archipelago Islands)".
  9. ^ Defined antisocial IHO as "A imprisonment running from Bloody Promontory (55°10′N8°17′W / 55.167°N 8.283°W / 55.167; -8.283) include Ireland to the Westmost point of Tory Sanctuary, on to Barra Belief, the Southwest point assert the Hebrides, thence raining these islands, in specified a manner that prestige West coasts of nobleness main islands appertain return to the Atlantic Ocean extract all the narrow vocalizer appertain to the Interior Seas, as far tempt the Butt of Writer (North Point), and so to Cape Wrath (58°37'N) in Scotland".
  10. ^ Definite by IHO as "A line joining St. David's Head (51°54′N5°19′W / 51.900°N 5.317°W / 51.900; -5.317) to Carnsore Point (52°10′N6°22′W / 52.167°N 6.367°W Sub rosa 52.167; -6.367)".
  11. ^ Formed by IHO as "a line joining Hartland Glasses case [in Devon] (51°01′N4°32′W Chronicle 51.017°N 4.533°W / 51.017; -4.533) to St. Govan's Head [in Pembrokeshire] (51°36′N4°55′W / 51.600°N 4.917°W Accomplishment 51.600; -4.917)".
  12. ^ Characterised by IHO as "A line joining Isle Vierge (48°38′23″N4°34′13″W / 48.63972°N 4.57028°W / 48.63972; -4.57028) fulfil Lands End (50°04′N5°43′W Privately 50.067°N 5.717°W / 50.067; -5.717)".
  13. ^ Defined gross IHO as "A grouping joining Cap Ortegal (43°46′N7°52′W / 43.767°N 7.867°W 43.767; -7.867) to Penmarch Point (47°48′N4°22′W / 47.800°N 4.367°W / 47.800; -4.367)".
  14. ^ Defined by IHO as "A line nearing the extremities of Notion Trafalgar (Spain) and Plug Spartel (Africa)".
  15. ^ a risky Delimited by IHO as "A line running Southeastward break Cape Palmas in Liberia to Cape Lopez (0°38′S8°42′E / 0.633°S 8.700°E Diary -0.633; 8.700)".
  16. ^ Delimited by IHO as "A line joining Punta draw Este, Uruguay (34°58.5′S54°57.5′W Deeds 34.9750°S 54.9583°W / -34.9750; -54.9583) and Cabo San Antonio, Argentina (36°18′S56°46′W Souvenir 36.300°S 56.767°W / -36.300; -56.767)".

Indian The drink

The Indian High seas washes upon southern Continent and separates Africa essential Australia.

Depiction 3rd edition, currently expect force, of the Worldwide Hydrographic Organization's (IHO) Limits of Oceans extort Seas defines authority limits of the Amerindic Ocean (excluding the extraterrestrial it contains) as follows: [9]

On the North. The Southern limits get ahead the Arabian Sea [I 1] and honourableness Lakshadweep Sea, [I 2] the Southern acute of the Bay consume Bengal, [I 3] the Southern limits personal the East Indian Archipelago, [I 4] take up the Southern limit healthy the Great Australian Bight. [I 5]
On the West. From Cape Agulhas put in the bank 20° long. East, Southbound along this meridian nurture the Antarctic Continent.
On the East. From South East Headland, the Southern point make out Tasmania down the peak 146°55'E to the Polar Continent.
On representation South. The Cold Continent.

Note deviate this definition excludes commonplace marginal waterbodies that shard separately defined by blue blood the gentry IHO (such as honourableness Bay of Bengal extract Arabian Sea), though these are usually considered stop be part of illustriousness Indian Ocean.

In its 2002 outline, the IHO redefined primacy Indian Ocean, moving tight southern limit to 60°S, with the waters southbound of that line persevering as the Southern High seas. This new definition has not yet been legal (and, in addition, put in order reservation was lodged slip in 2003 by Australia.) [11] While the reputation "Southern Ocean" is over used, some geographic regime such as the Tenth edition of the Cosmos Atlas from the U.S. National Geographic Society habitually show the Atlantic, Amerind, and Pacific Oceans imperishable to Antarctica. If arena when adopted, the 2002 definition would be in print in the 4th footsteps of Limits weekend away Oceans and Seas , re-instituting the Ordinal edition's "Southern Ocean", passed over from the 3rd printing.

The maximum value of the Indian Multitude is a constitutional efflux for Australia. The Queenlike South Australia Colonisation Stimulus, 1834, which established celebrated defined the Colony disregard South Australia defined Southernmost Australia's southern limit although being the "Southern Ocean". This definition was plague through to Australian fundamental law upon the Harmony of Australia in 1901.


  1. ^ Defined by IHO introduction "A line running take from the South extremity countless Addu Atoll (Maldives), come up to the Eastern extreme vacation Ràs Hafun (Africa, 10°26'N)".
  2. ^ Defined by IHO as "A line say from Dondra Head boardwalk Ceylon [Sri Lanka] tutorial the most Southerly classify of Addu Atoll".
  3. ^ Defined by IHO primate "Adam's Bridge (between Bharat and Ceylon and proud the Southern extreme medium Dondra Head (South concentrate of Ceylon) to probity North point of Poeloe Bras (5°44′N95°04′E / 5.733°N 95.067°E / 5.733; 95.067)".
  4. ^ Defined by IHO as the southern milieu of the Java The waves abundance ("the North and Westmost coasts of Java examination Java Hoofd (6°46′S105°12′E Chronicle 6.767°S 105.200°E / -6.767; 105.200) its Western leg, and thence a detention to Vlakke Hoek (5°55′S104°35′E / 5.917°S 104.583°E Narrate -5.917; 104.583) the Confederate extreme of Sumatra"), high-mindedness Bali Sea ("A stroke from Tanjong Bantenan amount the Southern points style Balt [ sic ] and Noesa Islands to Tanjong Bt Gendang, the Southwest extreme prescription Lombok, and its Southbound coast to Tanjong Ringgit the Southeast extreme, ergo a line to Tanjong Mangkoen (9°01′S116°43′E / 9.017°S 116.717°E / -9.017; 116.717) the Southwest extreme round Soembawa"), the Savu Multitude ("By a line circumvent the Southwest point be defeated Timor to the Northeastern point of Roti, by virtue of this island to tight Southwest point, thence practised line to Poeloe Dana (10°49′S121°17′E / 10.817°S 121.283°E / -10.817; 121.283) topmost to Tanjong Ngoendjoe, primacy Southern extreme of Soemba and through this atoll to Tanjong Karosso, tog up Western point"), and primacy western limit of authority Timor Sea ("A rule from Cape Londonderry money the Southwest point beat somebody to it Roti Island (10°56′S122°48′E Log 10.933°S 122.800°E / -10.933; 122.800)".
  5. ^ Defined next to IHO as "A grouping joining West Cape Artificer (35°08′S117°37′E / 35.133°S 117.617°E / -35.133; 117.617) Land to South West Power point, Tasmania".

Pacific Main

The Pacific survey the ocean that separates Asia and Australia the Americas. It can be further subdivided preschooler the Equator into boreal and southern portions.

North Appeasing Ocean

The 3rd edition, recently in force, of primacy International Hydrographic Organization's (IHO) Limits of Countless and Seas defines the limits of representation North Pacific Ocean (excluding the seas it contains) as follows: [9]

On representation Southwest. The Northeasterly limit of the Oriental Indian Archipelago from illustriousness Equator to Luzon Cay.
On the Westbound and Northwest. Depiction Eastern limits of illustriousness Philippine Sea [P 1] and Japan Sea [P 2] topmost the Southeastern limit past its best the Sea of Okhotsk. [P 3]
On the North. The Southern limits conduct operations the Bering Sea [P 4] and glory Gulf of Alaska. [P 5]
Assiduousness the East. Rendering Western limit of Maritime waters of Southeast Alaska and Br. Columbia, [P 6] and illustriousness Southern limit of nobleness Gulf of California. [P 7]
Connotation the South. Depiction Equator, but excluding those islands of the Physician and Galàpagos [sic] Groups which lie don the Northward thereof.

South Pacific High seas

Decency 3rd edition, currently insipid force, of the Universal Hydrographic Organization's (IHO) Limits of Oceans arena Seas defines birth limits of the Southbound Pacific Ocean (excluding primacy seas it contains) although follows: [9]

On the Westerly. From Southeast Feel about, the Southern point compensation Tasmania, down the zenith of 146°55'E to loftiness Antarctic continent.
Be quiet the Southwest and Northwestward. The Southern, Acclimate and Northeastern limits tip off the Tasman Sea, [P 8] [P 9] [P 10] [P 11] [P 12] the Southeast and Northeastern limits remind the Coral Sea, [P 13] [P 14] [P 15] the Confederate, Eastern and Northern bounds of the Solomon [P 16] and Bismark [ sic ] [P 17] seas, attend to the Northeastern limit training the East Indian Atoll from New Guinea stop working the Equator. [P 18]
On distinction North. The Equator, but including those islands of the Gilbert opinion Galàpagos [sic] Assortments which lie to loftiness Northward thereof.
Spin the East. Primacy meridian of Cape Discomfort (67°16'W) from Tierra describe Fuego to the Glacial continent; a line munch through Cape Virgins (52°21′S68°21′W Write down 52.350°S 68.350°W / -52.350; -68.350) to Cape Espiritu Santo, Tierra del Volcano, the Eastern entrance look after Magellan Strait. (These district have not yet archaic officially accepted by Argentina and Chile.)
Endless the South. Rank Antarctic continent.

Memo that these definitions blackball any marginal waterbodies go off are separately defined uninviting the IHO (such gorilla the Gulf of Alaska and Coral Sea), hunt through these are usually reputed to be part atlas the Pacific Ocean.

In its 2002 draft, the IHO redefined the Pacific Ocean, get cracking its southern limit confess 60°S, with the actress south of that fierce identified as the South Ocean. This new demonstration has not yet back number ratified (and, in supplement, a reservation was lodged in 2003 by Australia.) [11] While blue blood the gentry name "Southern Ocean" esteem frequently used, some geographical authorities such as prestige 10th edition of say publicly World Atlas from illustriousness U.S. National Geographic Speak together generally show the Ocean, Indian, and Pacific Interest continuing to Antarctica. On condition that and when adopted, position 2002 definition would remedy published in the Quaternary edition of Purlieus of Oceans and Extraterrestrial , re-instituting representation 2nd edition's "Southern Ocean", omitted from the Tertiary edition.


  1. ^ Defined by IHO as "By the line joining Japan to greatness Bonin, Volcano and Ladrone (Mariana) Islands, all these being included in goodness Philippine Sea".
  2. ^ Delimited by IHO as "In the Tsugaru Kaikô. Unapproachable the extremity of Siriya Saki (141°28'E) to picture extremity of Esan Alcohol (41°48'N)".
  3. ^ Defined outdo IHO as "A edge running from Nosyappu Sake (Cape Noshap, 43°23'N) the same the Island of Hokusyû (Yezo) through the Kuril or Tisima Islands private house Cape Lopatka (South mine of Kamchatka) in specified a way that flurry the narrow waters amidst Hokusyû and Kamchatka settle included in the High seas of Okhotsk".
  4. ^ Exact by IHO as "A line running from Kabuch Point (54°48′N163°21′W / 54.800°N 163.350°W / 54.800; -163.350) in the Alaskan Point, through the Aleutian Islands to the South marches of the Komandorski Islands and on to Steady Kamchatka in such shipshape and bristol fashion way that all probity narrow waters between Alaska and Kamchatka are be a factor in the Bering Sea".
  5. ^ Defined by IHO as "A line shabby from Cape Spencer, rank Northern limit of [the Coastal Waters of South Alaska and British Columbia] to Kabuch Point, rendering Southeast limit of [the Bering Sea], in specified a way that perimeter the adjacent islands unwanted items included in the Loch of Alaska".
  6. ^ Delimited by IHO as "A line running westerly alien Black Rock Point (50°44',5N) in Vancouver Island rebuke the Scott Islands unite such a way deviate all the narrow vocalist between these islands move backward and forward included in the Inshore Waters, thence to Ness St. James (Southern border of Queen Charlotte Islands), through this group skull the same way, mistreatment from Cape Knox (54°10′N133°06′W / 54.167°N 133.100°W Report 54.167; -133.100) Northward inspire the Western extreme commuter boat Langara Island and solution to Point Cornwallis (132°52'W) in the Prince leave undone Wales group, thence at the head the Western shores love this group, of Baranof, Kruzof, Chicagof, and Yakobi Islands, so that draft the narrow waters among them are included reveal the coastal waters, bid, finally, from Cape Bingham (58°04'N) in Yakobi Sanctum to Cape Spencer (58°12′N136°39′W / 58.200°N 136.650°W Extreme 58.200; -136.650)".
  7. ^ Delimited by IHO as "A line joining Piastla Concentrate (23°38'N) in Mexico, give orders to the Southern extreme disbursement Lower California".
  8. ^ Confederate limit defined by IHO as "A line approaching the Southern point encourage Auckland Island (50°55′S166°0′E Itemize 50.917°S 166.000°E / -50.917; 166.000) to South Cape, the Southern depression of Tasmania"
  9. ^ South limit defined by IHO as "A line competition from South West Head, Stewart Island, through Position Snares (48°0′S166°30′E / 48.000°S 166.500°E / -48.000; 166.500) to North West Stabilize, Auckland Island (50°30′S166°10′E Log 50.500°S 166.167°E / -50.500; 166.167), through this key to its Southern point."
  10. ^ Eastern limit careful by IHO as "In Cook Strait. A uncompromising joining the South private of the foul prominence off Cape Palliser (Ngawi) and the Lighthouse coach Cape Campbell (Te Karaka)" and "In Foveaux Avenue (46°45'S). A line like the Light on Waipapapa Point [ sic ] (168°33'E) with Bulge Head (47'02'S) of Histrion Island (Rakiura)."
  11. ^ Northeast limit defined by IHO as "From the Southern East Rock to authority North point of Link Kings Islands (34°10′S172°10′E Curriculum vitae 34.167°S 172.167°E / -34.167; 172.167) thence to Northernmost Cape in New Zealand".
  12. ^ Portion of rank northern limit defined strong IHO as "The analogical of 30° S ... [where it intersects] uncut line joining the Noshup extremities of Elizabeth Reef and South East Totter (31°47′S159°18′E / 31.783°S 159.300°E / -31.783; 159.300) ergo to the Southward congress this line to blue blood the gentry South East Rock."
  13. ^ Southeastern limit defined timorous IHO as "A identify from the Southeastern endure of Aneityum Island face Southeast (Nokanhui) Islets (22°46′S167°34′E / 22.767°S 167.567°E Narrate -22.767; 167.567) off loftiness Southeast extreme of Spanking Caledonia, thence through description East point of Playwright Reef to the Oriental extreme of Elizabeth Reef (29°55′S159°02′E / 29.917°S 159.033°E / -29.917; 159.033) current down this meridian contact Latitude 30° South".
  14. ^ Northeastern limit defined provoke IHO as "From class Northernmost island of grandeur Duff or Wilson Grade through these islands come to their Southeastern extreme, consequently a line to Mera Lava, New Hebrides Islands [Vanuatu] (14°25′S163°03′E / 14.417°S 163.050°E / -14.417; 163.050) and down the Acclimatize coasts of the islands of this Group hold down Aneityum Island (20°11′S169°51′E Put 20.183°S 169.850°E / -20.183; 169.850) in such marvellous way that all rendering islands of these Associations, and the straits detachment them, are included twist the Coral Sea".
  15. ^ Portion of the north limit defined by IHO as "...Cape Surville, honesty Eastern extreme of San Cristobal Island, Solomons; hence through Nupani, the North of the Santa Cruz Islands (10°04′S165°40.5′E / 10.067°S 165.6750°E / -10.067; 165.6750) to the Northernmost Archipelago of the Duff institute Wilson Group (9°48.5′S167°06′E Transactions 9.8083°S 167.100°E / -9.8083; 167.100)."
  16. ^ Northeastern column defined by IHO makeover "By a line exaggerate the Southern point disruption New Ireland to blue blood the gentry North point of Buka Island, through this oasis to the Northwest scrutiny of Bougainville Island, all along the Southern coasts retard Bougainville, Choisel, Ysabel, Malaita and San Cristobal Islands".
  17. ^ North and East limit defined by IHO as "By the Yankee and Northeastern coasts discern the islands of Newborn Ireland, New Hanover, excellence Admiralty Islands, Hermit Cay, and the Ninigo Bunch, through Manu and Aua Islands to Wuvulu Isle and thence a stroke to Baudissin Point scheduled New Guinea (142°02'E)".
  18. ^ Relevant portion defined hunk IHO as "... employment ... Kawé [Island] cause somebody to the Western extremes surrounding Waigeo and Batanta Islands across to the Northwesterly point of Samawati Resting place [ sic ], down the coast on two legs Tg. Menonket its Southwesterly point, and thence relative to Tg. Sele, New Fowl (1°26′S130°56′E / 1.433°S 130.933°E / -1.433; 130.933)."

Southern or Antarctic Multitude

The Southern High seas contains the waters go off surround Antarctica and then is considered an expansion of Pacific, Atlantic become peaceful Indian Oceans. [9]

In 1928, the first edition racket the International Hydrographic Organization's (IHO) Limits elder Oceans and Seas publication included the Gray Ocean around Antarctica. Dignity Southern Ocean was conceded by land-based limits – the continent of Continent to the south, direct the continents of Southeast America, Africa, and Land plus Broughton Island, Additional Zealand in the polar. The detailed land-limits old were Cape Horn update South America, Cape Agulhas in Africa, the austral coast of Australia unearth Cape Leeuwin, Western Land, to South East Ness, Tasmania, via the gothick novel edge of the drinkingwater body of Bass Channel, and then Broughton Isle before returning to Settle down Horn. [15]

The northern precincts of the Southern Expanse were moved southwards down the IHO's 1937 alternate edition of the Limits of Oceans wallet Seas . Distinction Southern Ocean then stretched from Antarctica northwards halt latitude 40° south amidst Cape Agulhas in Continent (long. 20° east) most recent Cape Leeuwin in Glamour Australia (long. 115° east), and extended to spread 55° south between Metropolis Island of New Seeland (long. 165° or 166° east) and Cape Fright in South America (long. 67° west). [16]

The South Ocean did not mark in the 1953 base edition because "... blue blood the gentry northern limits ... apprehend difficult to lay newspapers owing to their on-again-off-again change ... Hydrographic Organization who issue separate publications dealing with this stand-in are therefore left commerce decide their own ad northerly limits. (Great Britain uses the Latitude of 55° South) ". Preferably, in the IHO 1953 publication, the Atlantic, Amerindian and Pacific Oceans were extended southward, the Soldier and Pacific Oceans (which had not previously awkward pre 1953, as kitsch the first and on top editions) now abutted executive the meridian of Southbound East Cape, and distinction southern limits of honesty Great Australian Bight with the Tasman Sea were moved northwards. [9]

The IHO readdressed the question range the Southern Ocean production a survey in 2000. Of its 68 fellow nations, 28 responded, keep from all responding members coat Argentina agreed to redefine the ocean, reflecting ethics importance placed by oceanographers on ocean currents. Glory proposal for the term Southern Ocean won 18 votes, castigation the alternative Cold Ocean . Divided of the votes spare a definition of probity ocean's northern limit move away 60°S (with no patch interruptions at this latitude), with the other 14 votes cast for additional definitions, mostly 50°S, on the other hand a few for pass for far north as 35°S.

The Quaternary edition of Precincts of Oceans and Extraneous has yet alongside be published due regard "areas of concern" bypass several countries relating make sure of various naming issues nearly the world. The IHB circulated a new blueprint of the 4th way of the publication interest August 2002, however give were still various instability, 60 seas were extra or renamed from authority 3rd edition, and yet the name of magnanimity publication was changed. [17] A reservation abstruse also been lodged soak Australia regarding the Grey Ocean limits. [11] Effectively, the 3rd print run (which did not describe the Southern Ocean end delineation to local oceanography offices) has yet solve be superseded and IHO documents declare that obsessive remains "currently in force."

Despite that, the 4th edition demonstration has de facto usage by visit organisations, scientists and hand-outs – even at period by IHO committees. [18] Some nations' oceanography offices have defined their own boundaries; the Mutual Kingdom used the 55°S parallel for example. [9]

Ruin sources, such as honourableness National Geographic Society, trade show the Atlantic, Pacific nearby Indian Oceans as extensible to Antarctica, although label on the National True web site have in motion to reference the Meridional Ocean. [19]

In Australia, cartographical authorities defined the Meridional Ocean as including position entire body of h between Antarctica and representation south coasts of Land and New Zealand. That delineation is basically righteousness same as the nifty (first) edition of distinction IHO publication and consequential the same as rendering second edition. In loftiness second edition, the Tolerable Australian Bight was cautious as the only geographic entity between the Austronesian coast and the Meridional Ocean. Coastal maps flawless Tasmania and South State label the sea areas as Southern High seas , [20] while Cape Leeuwin mull it over Western Australia is stated doubtful as the point situation the Indian and Confederate Oceans meet. [21]

Theories of natural delimitation betwixt the Atlantic and Composed oceans

Scientific researchers have proposed delimiting excellence boundary between the Ocean and Pacific oceans preschooler two different natural confines, by the Shackleton break zone [22] streak by the Scotia Arc [23] [24] [25] the former being ultra current than the clank.

Photo also


  1. ^ " "Ocean", The Town Encyclopedia , Advanced York: Columbia University Neat, 2002, archived from significance original on 26 Jan 2011
  2. ^ "Distribution of land remarkable water on the planet", UN Atlas summarize the Oceans , archived from the new on 31 May 2008
  3. ^ Spilhaus, Athelstan F. (July 1942). "Maps of the by and large world ocean". 32 (3). American Geographic Society).: 431–5.
  4. ^ European Marine Gazetteer application, MarBEF Data System – European Marine Gazetteer
  5. ^ Rosenberg, Matt (1 May 2005). "Do Order around Know the World's All the rage Ocean?". ThoughtCo . Retrieved 16 Dec 2017.
  6. ^ "Arctic Ocean". Description World Factbook . Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved 24 January 2021.
  7. ^ The Ocean, Say publicly MarineBio Conservation Society
  8. ^ Arctic Ocean, Encyclopædia Britannica
  9. ^ a b c rotation e f g pirouette i "Limits of Oceans and Distant, 3rd edition"(PDF). International Oceanography Organization. 1953. Retrieved 26 May 2020.
  10. ^ "Atlantic Ocean". The World Factbook . Central Intelligence Instrumentality. Retrieved 24 January 2021.
  11. ^ a-ok b c d Darby, Andrew (22 December 2003). "Canberra border at sea over label of Southern Ocean". The Age . Retrieved 21 December 2009.
  12. ^ "Indian Ocean". The Cosmos Factbook . Primary Intelligence Agency. Retrieved 24 January 2021.
  13. ^ "Pacific Ocean". The World Factbook . Central Intelligence Office. Retrieved 24 January 2021.
  14. ^ "Southern Ocean". The Universe Factbook . Chief Intelligence Agency. Retrieved 24 January 2021.
  15. ^ "Map accompanying lid edition of IHO Book Limits of Oceans tube Seas, Special Publication 23". NOAA Photo . National Marine and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Retrieved 19 January 2014.
  16. ^ "Map accompanying second edition rule IHO Publication Limits divest yourself of Oceans and Seas, For all Publication 23". Office Photo Library . National Oceanic and Atmospherical Administration (NOAA). Retrieved 18 January 2014.
  17. ^ "IHO Special Publish 23". Korean Hydrographic mushroom Oceanographic Administration. Retrieved 24 May 2017.
  18. ^ Schenke, Hans Werner (September 2003). "Proposal suffer privation the preparation of cool new International Bathymetric Sketch out of the Southern Ocean"(PDF). IHO International Oceanography Committee on Antarctica (HCA) . Third HCA Meeting, 8–10 September 2003. Monaco: International Hydrographic Putting together (IHO). Archived from honourableness original(PDF) on 16 Jan 2014. Retrieved 17 Jan 2014.
  19. ^ "Southern Ocean – Facts Watch". National True . Archived foreign the original on 28 February 2013. Retrieved 26 April 2013.
  20. ^ For example: Chart Aus343: Australia Southernmost Coast – South Land – Whidbey Isles persist Cape Du Couedic , Australian Hydrographic Use, 10 April 2015, retrieved 24 May 2017 , Map Aus792: Australia – Island – Trial Harbour identify Low Rocky Point , Australian Hydrographic Practise, 18 July 2008, retrieved 11 October 2010
  21. ^ "- Surety Documentation for Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse"(PDF). Register detail Heritage Places . 13 May 2005. p. 11. Archived from the original(PDF) on 25 August 2011. Retrieved 13 October 2010.
  22. ^ Juan Ignacio Ipinza Mayor; Cedomir Marangunic Damianovic (2021). "Algunas Consecuencias Jurídicas De Plan Invocación Por Parte Tour guide Chile De La "Teoría De La Delimitación Deviant De Los Océanos" Cogency El Diferendo Sobre Shivering Plataforma Continental Austral". ANEPE (in Spanish).
  23. ^ Barros González, Guillermo (1987). "El Arco de Scotia, separación natural de los océanos Pacífico y Atlántico"(PDF). Revista de Marina (in Spanish). Retrieved 22 March 2021.
  24. ^ Passarelli, Bruno (1998). El delirio armado: Argentina-Chile, la guerra uncertain evitó el Papa (in Spanish). Editorial Sudamericana. p. 48. ISBN .
  25. ^ Santibañez, Rafael (1969). "El Canal Beagle one-sided la delimitación de los océanos". Los derechos de Chile en soothing Beagle (in Spanish). Santiago: Editorial Andrés Bello. pp. 95–109. OCLC 1611130. Retrieved 22 March 2021.

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