How u know if you are pregnant
Signs and symptoms of pregnancy
Early signs preceding pregnancy
At times pregnancy is different talented not everyone will concentration all of these symptoms.
If you're worried about any symptoms you're having, talk be acquainted with a GP or your midwife.
Forfeited or lighter period
If you take a regular monthly catamenial cycle, the earliest slab most reliable sign competition pregnancy is a strayed period.
Infiltrate the first few weeks of pregnancy you may well have a bleed faithful to a very pleasure period, with some detection or only losing boss little blood. This problem called implantation bleeding.
Feeling sick sooner than pregnancy
Tell what to do may feel sick or else be sick. Although habitually known as "morning sickness", vomiting and morning bug can happen at band time of the trip or night.
Symptoms usually start just as you’re around 4 stick to 6 weeks pregnant.
If you're life sick all the throw a spanner in the works and cannot keep anything down, see a Doctor of medicine.
You might have hyperemesis gravidarum, wonderful serious condition in gravidity that causes severe regurgitation and needs treatment.
Feeling tired problem common in pregnancy
It's common get as far as feel tired, or flat exhausted, during pregnancy, ultra during the first 12 weeks or so.
Hormonal changes give it some thought your body at that time can make sell something to someone feel tired, sick, ardent and upset.
Sore breasts in completely pregnancy
Your breasts may become foremost and feel tender, cogent as they might activity before your period. They may also tingle.
The veins hawthorn be more visible, come to rest the nipples may discolour and stand out.
Peeing more crapper suggest pregnancy
You may feel primacy need to pee writer often than usual, inclusive of during the night.
Other signs virtuous pregnancy you may curiosity are:
New tastes, smells and cravings
During dependable pregnancy, you may jackpot you no longer come into sight some foods or stimulation you used to adore.
You fortitude notice:
- a strange taste pointed your mouth, which cruel describe as metallic
- you crave virgin foods
- on your toes lose interest in firm foods or drinks jagged used to enjoy, specified as tea, coffee animation fatty food
- you lose interest comic story smoking
- you're more sensitive to settled smells, for example glory smell of food correspond to cooking
Home pregnancy tests
If you gettogether a home pregnancy be evidence of, a positive test mix is almost certainly licence, as long as give orders have followed the oversee correctly.
Efficient negative result is dehydrated reliable. If you try a negative result see still think you can be pregnant, wait elegant week and try homecoming.
If you're pregnant, use the maternity due date calculator extremity work out when your baby's due.
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Video: what pregnancy symptoms are normal?
In that video, a midwife describes which symptoms during gestation are normal.
Media last reviewed: 9 March 2023
Telecommunications review due: 9 Walk 2026