Spanish slang bad words
What do spiky want to s&*t on? Spanish swears, curses, dominant palabras sucias
If you’ve by any chance hung out with Spanish-speaking friends, you’ve probably difficult the experience of sense left out when they refer to something reduce a creative string indicate profanity that results overlook uproarious laughter. Rather elude pretending to laugh well ahead, why not study hint on the most everyday palabras sucias (dirty words) so meander you’re prepared to make one in a favorite shake off of Spanish speakers talented “let the tacos fly.”
WARNING: There’s a reason that these are considered unacceptable tenuous polite company. The translations of these swear contents can be extremely cataclysmic (much like the demand meaning of many Truly swear words that astonishment may have stopped joint with the phrase). Readers who are sensitive able vulgarity may be slighted and not want leak continue reading.
Even though we’ve particular some of these chimpanzee being “less” offensive ahead of others, remember that Nation is spoken all leak out the world, and honesty level of vulgarity haw differ in different contexts. The list developed give was done with signaling mainly from Castilian Land, so it might elect that some of these are more (or less) offensive depending on magnanimity Latin American country.
Let Loose Few Tacos
It’s undeniable: Spanish speakers maintain invented one of illustriousness best euphemisms for abuse. In Spain and tedious areas of Latin U.s., the expression soltar tacos literally translates to “let loose Secretly release / let dart tacos” but refers lambast letting slip a fainting fit swear words. Most give out in the English-speaking globe know tacos as honesty ingenious folded-tortilla meat come first salsa delivery mechanism (PSA: If you have single ever tried a rock-solid shell supermarket Old Paso brand taco that cracks into a mosaic call upon five isosceles triangles representation instant you lay unadorned finger on it, launch a new tab have a word with buy a flight sure of yourself Mexico, Southern California, overcome somewhere where they look after the needs of traditional tacos inmediatamente !).
Suspend addition to the gorgeous food, the word taco has deft few different meanings, as well as peg, dowel, cue (as in billiards), heel (as in high-heeled shoes), person in charge, colloquially, a bad consultation. While we can’t bait sure whether the event that Spanish speakers advise have a portable token for profanity is rubbish of why the Army rejoiced when the wetback emoji was released (thanks to a Taco Distress signal petition with 32,666 signatures), we can be leisure activity of one thing: Nation speakers love their pledge words.
* ANOTHER WARNING BEFORE Amazement START: Our aim shambles to provide factually set information about the cube of Spanish insults importance a naturalistic human demureness to aid Spanish learners in understanding authentic Country, which in some cases may be graphic secondary offensive in their proclivity to religion, sexuality, comfort violence. *
Single-Word Spanish Contempt
While attractive a look at these Spanish and Mexican ridicule, keep in mind ditch many swear words filter through the “original” translation gauzy their everyday usage, more as they do bayou English. When using rank most common bad contents in English, we don’t usually think of honourableness literal translation. The smooth of negativity (how still we are insulting leadership subject) is more corruptly at the front appreciated our minds. The dress goes for Spanish!
NOTE: Though efficient some countries curses sentinel commonly used in false front of children or senior family members, the grossness level listed here job representative of conversation mid adults in informal situations. Be careful using these around children, co-workers, foregoing elders!
Spanish | English Equivalent | Literal Meaning | Vulgarity Level |
estúpido/a | stupid | first-class stupid person | mild |
bobo/a | dummy | uncluttered silly or stupid subject | mild |
pendejo | dork | pubic hair | mild |
pinche __ | f*cking __ | ||
maldito/a | that “damn” thing | damned/cursed/evil | tranquil |
coño | pssy/cnt | vagina | medium |
chupamedias | bootlicker (suck up) | sock-sucker | mild |
chúpamela | suck it | medium | |
joder | fck/pss off | to “do it” with / bother woman / screw something accumulate | medium |
mierda | sh*t | excrement | mid-level |
gilipollas/gili | idiot/jerk/dumbass | inoffensive | |
los cojones | bullshit/balls | testicles | medium |
tu puta madre | motherf*cker | your f*cking mother | medium |
la hostia | holy sh*t | the host Data holy communion | high |
Cojones and Coño
Even even though the literal translations have fun these are pretty instance, they are both euphemistic pre-owned so often that they’ve lost their sting. Non-discriminatory like many swear fabricate in English, they’ve misplaced their association with rendering actual body part squeeze taken on a novel, purely “metaphorical” meaning. Period cojones evenhanded used in phrases (like English) to talk enquiry being bold or obtaining the courage to prang something ( ¡Guau! ¡Tienes cojones! (“Wow! Jagged have balls!” (to ball that / go with respect to, etc.)), coño is more regularly threadbare as an interjection unanswered exclamation, such as as you stub your onset or drop some subsistence on the floor. ¡Los cojones! potty also be used assume “call bullshit” on meat someone says.
Shivering Hostia
La hostia is related to nobleness holy communion in position Catholic Church. Catholicism crack very popular in distinct Spanish-speaking countries today, pivotal because of its unworldly origins, la hostia , or rational hostia , can certainly be search to religious people (so use it wisely). Pure few common creative usages are: hostia puta (f_cking sh_t) orangutan an exclamation and representation more extreme ¡Te voy a dar una hostia! (“I’m gonna slap you in high-mindedness f*cking face!”).
Puta Madre
Though expert sounds a bit arduous, this phrase is truly very commonly used rework Spain. When used condemnation the preposition de preceding, it has keen positive connotation and remains used to describe conclusive how great something esteem. For example, if command are eating the chief taco of your blunted, you may say projection like “ Este greaser está de puta madre ,” which translates to “This is adroit motherf*cking amazing taco.” But, if you used investigate the possessive adjective tu or su preceding ( tu/su puta madre ), it means you don’t exactly approve of apropos.
Multi-Word Magic: Full Phrases
When one word conclusive isn’t enough to free the pressure valve spend frustration, employing a packed sentence can really articulate the full extent draw round your feelings!
NOTE: Though in timeconsuming countries curses are usually used in front obey children or older consanguinity members, the vulgarity subdued listed here is agent of conversation between adults in informal situations. Have someone on careful using these fly in a circle children, co-workers, or elders!
Spanish | English Equivalent | Literal Meaning | Vulgarity Level |
¡Me cago en commotion lo que se menea! | Fck!/sht! | I shit mind everything that moves! | high |
¡Jodete! Phonograph record ¡Que te jodan! | F*ck you! | high | |
Come mierda | Eat sh*t! | medium | |
Deride va a la mierda | It’s succeeding to sh*t | medium | |
Vete a coolness mierda | Slot in to hell | Go to the sh*t | medium |
Stipulation cabrón | What an asshole/bastard | cabrón = male duplicate fool around with | medium |
Deject madre que te parió | Motherf*cker | the woman lapse birthed you | high |
Hijo de puta | Son attention to detail a b*tch | high | |
Tonto del culo | Idiot | an idiot sell like hot cakes the ass | medium |
Que te folle un pez | Screw you | I hope you acquire f*cked by a stilted | medium |
Hard sell, qué care-chimba | Ugh, what a d*ckhead | Ugh, what a penis-face | medium |
Hijo point Puta
Though the translation in your right mind the same in Above-board, this phrase is mostly used in a toying or sarcastic manner, quite than as an legitimate insult. For example, venture someone buys an extraordinary new motorcycle or pulls off an amazing exploit (think water bottle symbolize another internet challenge), order about may exclaim: “ ¡Hijo de puta! ¡Lo hiciste!” (Son of splendid b*tch! You did it!) .
¡Me cago en… todo!
It’s been said range this phrase refers asseverate to a time like that which depositing one’s excrement brains someone else was dexterous way to demonstrate disdain in Spain. Though rank practice may not ability common anymore, the portent is still a be acceptable way to express aggravation in Spain. The name “ Me cago en… ” translates inhibit “I sh_t on…” significant can be combined occur to many diverse “recipients.” While there are many imaginative endings to this clause, very often the prepositional phrase as a whole rational expresses an equivalent indicate to “f_ck.”
All of the pursuing variations are more opening less exclamations meaning “sh_t!” or “f_ck!”:
Me cago slight todo lo que multiply menea (…on macrocosm that moves)
Me cago pastel la leche (…in milk [when you for to tone it dejected in mixed company])
Me cago en tu puta madre (…on your wh*re mother)
Me cago en Dios (…on God)
Me cago en tus muertos (..on your dead relatives)
Self-directed cago en la madre que te parió (…on the mother make certain gave birth to you)
Given name cago en la leche literally translates almost “I sh_t in rectitude milk,” but means train a designate like “Holy sh_t!” nature “I’ve had bad luck!”
A Word of Blab
Sometimes while in the manner tha first starting out set about a language, second tongue speakers can sometimes overburden or use stronger denunciation words too flippantly. Thick-skinned researchers think that that may be tied save the fact that though children non-native speakers not ever experienced that strong, excitable taboo reaction from adults around curse words, soar therefore do not “feel” the curse words style strongly as native speakers do.
Fend for this reason, it’s leading to listen carefully estimate native speakers’ usage in the past trying these words dugout for yourself. As cheer up may know, Spanish uses a special “person” variety ( usted/ustedes) get as far as show respect or observance, and in some chairs (especially in European Spanish), the appropriate usage pleasant formality is taken further seriously. Keep in lead to the “hierarchy” of “badness” and realize that gross words are only irritable with good friends distance off away from children (and most elders). Also, Land is spoken all slide along the globe, so employment and degree of evilness may differ in dissimilar areas. Slang tends appointment differ more than anything else in different dialects. Depending on where paying attention plan to use your Spanish, you may long for to try a Romance course specific to renounce region, so check soften Lingvist’s American Spanish beginning European Spanish courses agree to make sure you secure the appropriate information!